Aspects key for a successful entrepreneurship hub?
Aspects key for a successful entrepreneurship hub?
1. Coworking Space
A physical space with open and closed working areas, along with meeting rooms and multi-purpose areas
2. Incubators
Where startups are nurtured during their early months or years, while providing various types of support
to increase chances of success
3. Accelerators
A fixed duration program targeting slightly more established startups than incubators, and providing
various services to assist in their growth
Support Services
Services that range from consulting and legal to marketing and technology support. Such services can be
provided by external parties or fellow tenants.
Training Programs
Programs targeting different aspects of managing a startup, such as digital marketing .
Individuals with experience in a specific field, or fields, relevant to the tenants. Their assistance is
invaluable in helping startups skip known mistakes, or help those that need guidance
Startups need access to funding to ensure smooth operations sustainably. It is paramount that The
Complex allows for easy access to funding
Activities or presentations that help enable tenants by strengthening the ecosystem, or provide relevant
information on the market or specific government entities
The Spirit
The Entrepreneurial Spirit is a key aspect of any venture. The Complex should spread such a spirit within,
and beyond, to liven the SME ecosystem
Opportunities to build relationships with fellow entrepreneurs as well as mentors, coaches and well
established entities
Specialized Areas
Support areas specialized in specific fields (such as 3-D printing areas, or targeted presentations and